

类型: 影视解说




纳德(佩曼•莫阿迪 Peyman Moadi 饰)与西敏(蕾拉•哈塔米 Leila Hatami 饰)是一对夫妻,他们的女儿叫特梅(萨日娜•法哈蒂 Sarina Farhadi 饰)。西敏希望一家三口移居国外,但是纳德坚决反对,原因是纳德的父亲患有老年痴呆症需要照顾。两人为此对薄公堂,准备离婚,但是法院驳回了她的请求。西敏赌气回了娘家。西敏走后,纳德分身乏术,聘请了一位护工瑞茨(萨瑞•巴亚特 Sareh Bayat 饰)照顾父亲。但是,父亲如厕问题始终困扰瑞茨,依《古兰经》教义,她感到禁忌重重。瑞茨的女儿陪伴在她左右,也令她分神。几个回合下来,纳德某次回家发现,父亲被绑在床上,出离愤怒的他推倒了瑞茨。没想到怀孕的瑞茨竟然流产,瑞茨丈夫怒不可遏将纳德告上了法庭,他们各执一词,然而真相却出人意料……  本片在61届柏林电影节获金熊奖、最佳女演员和最佳男演员银熊奖。


  • 你的鸟儿会唱歌[电影解说] 6.0 你的鸟儿会唱歌[电影解说]
    2018 电影解说
    简介:  在郊外一家书店打工的“我”,与“我”同住一屋的静雄,以及“我”的同事佐知子。往来间,佐知子与“我”渐生暧昧,静雄对佐知子亦暗生情愫……互为朋友和恋人的三个年轻人,和一段带着夏日燥动的肆意青春。
  • 清洁女工之死[电影解说] 2.0 清洁女工之死[电影解说]
    2008 电影解说
    简介:  James Bentley is tried for the murder of Abigail McGinty, the charwoman of Broadhinny who also took in Bentley as her lodger. The evidence is overwhelming, and soon after he is sentenced to hang. Superintendent Spence is not convinced of the man's guilt, and so he visits Poirot, asking him to look into the case. Poirot then heads off to the village, where he becomes the paying guest of Maureen and Major Johnnie Summerhayes. Ariadne Oliver, Poirot's novelist friend, has also come to Broadhinny to collaborate on a stage adaptation of one of her novels with dramatist Robin Upward. With the clue of a bottle of ink purchased by the dead woman shortly before her death, Poirot searches Mrs. McGinty's belongings and finds an edition of The Sunday Comet newspaper, where an article concerning two women connected with famous murders has been cut out. With the story are two photographs of the women. Poirot discovers that Mrs. McGinty had seen one of the photographs before, and knew to whom it belonged to. But which woman was this case connected with? Are any of the people living in Broadhinny related to these women, as one of their children? Or perhaps one of them is one of the actual women? The puzzle pieces begin to fit in, especially after Poirot is shoved into the path of an oncoming train by an unknown entity. But will the murderer strike again?
  • 屋顶上的轻骑兵[电影解说] 9.0 屋顶上的轻骑兵[电影解说]
    1995 电影解说
    简介:  十九世纪中期,意大利正处在奥匈帝国水深火热的统治中。为了解放祖国,轻骑兵上教安吉罗(奥利维•马丁内兹 Olivier Martinez 饰)密谋发动暴动推翻殖民统治,然而却因计划外漏而不得不流亡法国。因为儿时好友的出卖,安吉罗在法国受到了奥地利间谍的追杀。逃亡中的安吉罗无意闯进了法国的一个瘟疫区,那里哀鸿遍野,人们近乎疯狂。当地人认为是安吉罗投的毒药,安吉罗无端又成了追捕的对象。  一天,安吉罗无意中从屋顶掉到了一间阁楼里,偶遇了与丈夫失散了的女子宝林娜(朱丽叶•比诺什 Juliette Binoche 饰)。得知宝林娜现在处境艰难时,安吉罗决心帮助她找回她的丈夫。当他们在疫区穿行时,宝林娜不幸身染疫症……
  • 我的最爱[电影解说] 2.0 我的最爱[电影解说]
    2008 电影解说
    简介:  宝(邓丽欣 饰)本来与男友俊(黄嘉乐 饰)一起经营甜品店,生意兴隆,两人也感情稳定。可是宝多年不见的旧同学琪琪(曾恺玹 饰),竟抢走了俊,破坏了宝的幸福生活。  另一方面,宝的好友蚊(唐宁 饰)常常对男友风(胡清蓝 饰)发脾气,当风结识了已有男友的敏(杨爱瑾 饰)后,两人展开了一段“后备恋情”。蚊与风最终分手收场。  后来宝结识了老千阿强(方力申 饰),宝给了强十万块要他帮忙报复琪琪。强成功的把琪琪吸引住了,更想通过强骗取俊的甜品店。期间,宝与强也产生了感情。宝相信强的本质不坏,更相信他能改过自身。不料事情还是被琪琪发现了,她愿意出更多的钱买通强,要宝再一次在她面前难堪。  宝纵使被俊抛弃,但当她得知俊被琪琪骗了之后,还是回到他的身边与他再次开创甜品店。而琪琪也强的精心安排下,同样被骗了所有的钱,更负债累累。强不再行骗,却遭到了黑帮报复……
  • 葬礼之后[电影解说] 8.0 葬礼之后[电影解说]
    2005 电影解说
    简介:  远近闻名的百万富翁理查德(约翰·卡森 John Carson 饰)去世了,为他的后代们留下了巨额的遗产。虽然所有人都为理查德的死感到伤心和遗憾,但也有一些人在心里偷着乐,尤其是那些经济上遭遇了危机的亲戚们,理查德的遗产无疑是降临在久旱的大地上的一场及时雨。理查德的妹妹科拉(莫妮卡·杜兰 Monica Dolan 饰)语出惊人,声称自己的哥哥是被谋杀的,第二天,科拉亦死于非命。  蒂莫西(本杰明·惠特罗 Benjamin Whitrow 饰)、乔治(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)、莫尔迪(安娜·考尔德-马歇尔 Anna Calder-Marshall 饰),每个人都有成为凶手的动机,当科拉的管家被人投毒时,大家意识到,杀戮仍在继续。
  • 西班牙箱子之谜[电影解说] 6.0 西班牙箱子之谜[电影解说]
    1991 电影解说
    简介:  Lady Chatterton asks for Poirot's assistance when she comes to fear for the safety of her friend, Marguerite Clayton. Specifically, she is convinced that Marguerite's husband Edward Clayton, known for his violent temper, will kill her. Poirot is invited to a party in order to meet Clayton, but he never shows up. The next day, Poirot finds himself being interviewed by Inspector Japp when Edward Clayton's body is found hidden in an elaborate Spanish chest located in the same room as the party the previous evening. When Marguerite's friend Major Rich is arrested for the murder, Poirot correctly deduces the true nature of the crime and the identity of the culprit.


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